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Teachers from all across the province are involved in the work of the Alberta Teachers’ Association in various capacities. Such volunteer efforts by members are critical to the effective operation of the Association.
Stuart Shigehiro
Social studies and industrial arts, Irvine School (east of Medicine Hat)
How long have you been teaching?
Sixteen years.
Why did you become a teacher?
In Grade 9 we had a career day and I dressed up like one of my teachers. As I played the role of a teacher, I then realized how great the profession really was, and from that point on I decided I would become a teacher.
Current Association role
Local president, Prairie Rose Local No. 2.
What are your main responsibilities?
Representing our local in the media, running local meetings, organizing events for the local and many other duties the president does on behalf of his or her local.
What do you enjoy most about this work?
I enjoy meeting new people, learning about new initiatives, being involved in local and provincial politics, and helping our members enhance our profession.
What other roles have you held with the Association?
School representative.
Why do you do this work? Why is it important?
Enhancing our profession and serving our members is very important to me. When I retire I want the teaching profession to be even greater than it is now so our future teachers can have greater success.
How and why did you first become involved in Association work?
I started as a school rep in Jenner, Alberta, because I wanted to learn more about our association.
What is your favourite...
Movie? The Greatest Game Ever Played
TV show? The Golf Channel
Band/singer? Keith Urban
Book? The Life of Pi
Summer vacation activity? Golfing in a tropical location
Travel destination? Venice
Article of clothing? The golf polo
What fictional character are you most like and why?
Tin Tin because I like adventure.
What fictional character would you most like to meet and why?
Inspector Gadget because he has mad skills.
What was your first car?
1989 Chevy pickup truck.